Wednesday 25 May 2011

Unofficially opening a foreign muppet theatre!

Having already opened Zagreb airport I really had the unofficial opening bit between my teeth as I travelled around Croatia last week but it took until Varasdin before I had my scissors and ribbon with me and the stars fell sufficiently into alignment for a cheeky little ad hoc opening just after I had performed on stage in this most beautiful of theatres

Me getting stuck in to 300 foreigners - just the way I like it
I dragged my driver, Filip round to the front doors (I know - I had a driver! This opening verged on official) and procured a couple of hot chicks who were eating ice creams. Well I'd already had the rock going on in Blackpool - so why not? I like a bit of confectionary symmetry. One of them was a little reluctant but when she saw my ribbon she fair old grabbed it. Carpe et diem, Croatian lady! Carpe et diem!

You're right - we had quite a few people hanging around watching this one and some of them even applauded when the ribbon was cut!
Sorry the photograph isn't better, but I'm afraid Filip (Although a very good driver) is a very bad photographer. The first shot he took failed to get any of us in the picture at all so this is actually something of a miracle. David Bailey would not be impressed. It's a good job he wasn't there. Neither was Goran Ivanisevic, more's the pity. I've always liked him.

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